Financial Planning For Families

McRae Capital Management was founded in 1981 as an independent registered investment advisor to provide investment advice for families, private foundations, and company retirement plans. In the 35 years since our formation, investment management and financial planning for families has always been at the core of our business.
But investment management and financial planning for families is not all we do. Not by a long shot. After all, the world is a busy place, and investors—and families—are inundated with a constant flow of info and opinions. Analysts, portfolio managers, and pundits flood the airwaves and the Internet with an endless flow of ideas and commentary. It can be hard to know what’s good advice, and what’s questionable or self-serving. But one thing’s for sure: The infamous 24/7 news cycle seems to encourage extremely short-term thinking. This creates a risky mindset where trying to make outsize returns now, now, NOW can overshadow the consideration of the long term financial goals of individuals and families.
At McRae Capital we’ve always believed that successful investing is about planning, not reacting. The approach starts with taking a step back and looking at the big picture. Our clients often find that their life paths, while specific to them, share some common stepping stones—similar lifetime events worth thinking about and planning for. Events like marriage, and having children, and sending those children to college. Incorporating prudent planning for these future events is about much more than maximizing short-term returns—it’s about helping you achieve long term goals. Life goals
At McRae Capital we’ve always believed that successful investing is about planning, not reacting.
We’d like to take this opportunity to show you what we mean. On the following link, we highlight the major life stages we see our clients experience, and list the major planning issues worth tackling. Using this infographic won’t do the planning for you—but it can be a helpful guide to get you started asking the right questions. If you have any questions about any of these planning points, please give us a call.
Financial Planning Infographic
McRae Capital can help you understand a host of topics, like the risks of market volatility, how to live off retirement savings, and why taking the long view as an investor is so very important.
Connect your finances to what matters most
This article can provide only a general understanding of sometimes difficult financial concepts. For for a more thorough explanation, or if you have questions about your own portfolio, please feel free to reach out to us here at McRae at (973) 387-1080.