Investment Management
Investment management is at the heart of what we do at McRae Capital Management. We manage investment portfolios for affluent individuals and families, private foundations and institutions. What separates us from others is how we serve our clients—with care, sensitivity, personal attention and integrity. We know our clients by name, not account number. And we work hard to understand and respect their particular goals, needs and preferences, and to manage their investment portfolios accordingly.
Managing a significant amount of money is a challenge, and there’s no question that investing is a complex world of diverse options, rules, and risks. But many professional advisors talk about investing in terms that make it even more difficult to understand. We take the opposite approach: Simplify and clarify. We believe that the more our client understands about how their assets are invested, the more likely they are to embrace a successful long term investment strategy.

We believe that the more our client understands about how their assets are invested, the more likely they are to embrace a successful long term investment management strategy.

Our clients give us discretion to invest on their behalf, and our fee is a function of the total value of the assets we manage. If your account appreciates in value, our fee increases. If your account declines in value, our fee declines as well. It’s distinctly different from the way most investment managers are compensated. But we believe this method of compensation is fair, easy to understand, and aligns our interests 100% with yours.
We have nothing to sell, and we receive no commission income—there are no hidden charges. Nor do we receive any transaction-based income. We’ll never advise you to invest in something because it’s good for us but not for you. Rather, we are paid a single quarterly fee to invest on your behalf, based on guidelines that we create with you right at the start and can modify together at any time.
We don’t believe in one-size-fits-all investing. Every one of our customer accounts is unique—custom designed and maintained to meet your specific situation, objectives, needs and preferences. Your money is not pooled or commingled with that of others. You aren’t pigeon-holed or profiled into an investor “type” by a computer. What’s more, we do not hold your assets: At McRae, your cash and your investments are held in your name in an insured third-party custodial account.
As an Investment Adviser, McRae is regulated by the Investment Advisers Act of 1940. Investment Advisers are held to a higher standard than brokers and others in the investment marketplace: We are required to perform the role of fiduciary, a relationship of trust and confidence in which we are specifically responsible for acting toward the benefit of our clients. In addition, we are registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), file regular reports with the SEC and are subject to its audits.
Personal treatment and alignment of interests. Independent thinking. Experience and integrity. A strategic financial relationship focused on long-term growth. These are the reasons people choose McRae Capital Management. Yes, investment management is at the heart of what we do, but it goes part and parcel with our financial planning services.
Connect your finances to what matters most
We will gladly sit with you and look at the many life stages where smart financial planning can make a difference. For example, if you or someone you know is interested in learning more about how to plan for the financial challenges a new baby brings, we invite you to read our Starting a Family commentary.